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This article was posted 8 months ago and is filed under MidWeb News.

We design and build stunning, easy to manage websites that don’t cost the earth. A range of Search Engine Optimisation, and Digital marketing tools and services do the rest. Our business, is growing yours!

Should you upgrade to a full time marketing agency?

One person can’t do everything, so is it time to upgrade to a full marketing agency?

In the ever-evolving world of marketing, the responsibilities and expectations placed on individuals have grown exponentially. While freelancers and solo marketers have their merits, they often face limitations that can hinder a business’s success. As we delve into the various facets of marketing, we encourage the consideration of upgrading to a full marketing agency.

Your Freelancer might be a great designer but technically poor when it comes to website build and support. Design plays a crucial role in branding and user experience. A talented freelance designer can create stunning visuals that catch the eye and leave a lasting impression. However, when it comes to the technical aspects of website development and ongoing support, they might fall short. 

Furthermore, they may be good at both of the above, but know nothing about SEO, so you get no traffic. A well-designed website with strong technical foundations is essential, but it’s meaningless if it doesn’t attract traffic. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a complex and ever-changing field that requires continuous attention. A freelancer proficient in design and development might not possess the SEO expertise needed to drive organic traffic to your site.

Digital marketing encompasses various channels, from social media and email marketing to pay-per-click advertising. While a freelancer may excel in digital marketing strategies, they might still fall short in technical skills and design sensibilities. This disconnect can lead to campaigns that lack cohesiveness and fail to effectively convey your brand’s message.


Additionally, you may encounter a deficiency in project investment when working with freelancers, as they may not be as committed to meeting deadlines or promptly addressing tasks. A single individual handling multiple clients and projects simultaneously could be overwhelming, whereas an in-house team or agency boasts a greater number of dedicated personnel focused on delivering optimal results.


In conclusion, the multifaceted nature of modern marketing demands a diverse skill set that one person often cannot provide. While freelancers have their strengths, they may struggle in certain areas, leaving gaps in your marketing efforts. Transitioning to a full marketing agency allows you to tap into a pool of specialised professionals, each contributing their expertise to create a cohesive and effective marketing strategy. 

Read more posts by Evie

This article was posted 8 months ago and is filed under MidWeb News.

We design and build stunning, easy to manage websites that don’t cost the earth. A range of Search Engine Optimisation, and Digital marketing tools and services do the rest. Our business, is growing yours!

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We design and build stunning, easy to manage websites that don’t cost the earth. A range of Search Engine Optimisation, and Digital marketing tools and services do the rest. Our business, is growing yours!

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