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This article was posted 7 months ago and is filed under MidWeb News.

We design and build stunning, easy to manage websites that don’t cost the earth. A range of Search Engine Optimisation, and Digital marketing tools and services do the rest. Our business, is growing yours!

How the SSL certificate helps secure your website


“Not secure” is a notification that appears on websites that lack an SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificate, which ensures secure connections through the HTTPS protocol. In this blog we are exploring the circumstances that might lead to an unsecure website and also what an SSL certificate actually does and the validation it provides…


So what causes the ‘not secure’ warning?

  • Expired SSL Certificate: In the event that your SSL certificate, despite having been present initially, has now expired, your website will be marked as “Not Secure.” Regular renewal of SSL certificates is necessary to uphold security.
  • Insecure Links or References: Should your website make references to external resources (such as images, scripts, or stylesheets) utilising insecure HTTP links, it can activate the warning. Confirm that all resources are loaded through HTTPS.
  • Mixed Content: If your website has a mix of secure (HTTPS) and non-secure (HTTP) elements, it can trigger a “Not Secure” alert. Browsers see mixed content as a security risk. Make sure all your website resources load securely.
  • Outdated or Insecure Software: If your web server or CMS is outdated or has known security weaknesses, it can make your site vulnerable to attacks. Keep your site secure by regularly updating and patching your software.
  • Incorrect SSL Configuration: Make sure your SSL certificates are configured correctly to avoid triggering “Not Secure” alerts. Verify that your certificate is properly installed and that your web server is appropriately set up to utilise HTTPS.


What does an SSL certificate do?

Typically, SSL Certificates combine the following elements:

  • A domain name, server name, or hostname
  • Organisational identity details, such as the company’s name and location.

SSL Certificates are compact data files that link a cryptographic key to an organisation’s information. Once integrated into a web server, they enable the display of a padlock icon and the use of the HTTPS protocol, facilitating secure connections between web servers and browsers.


What are the three main levels of validation provided by an SSL certificate?

  • Domain Validation

At the basic validation level, it’s confirmed that the organization has domain control. We can quickly set up this SSL certification on our UK Fast server for clients, given the domain is linked to the correct IP address. This minimizes the risk of hackers intercepting website connections and stealing sensitive data like login credentials.

  • Organisation validated SSL Certificates

​​Organisation Validated SSL Certificates provide more thorough validation. The Certificate Authority verifies the applying organization’s authenticity, domain ownership, and details like name and location. This process, taking a few days, may require our Midweb team to set up the certificate. Using this SSL level is vital for safeguarding the site and its users.


  • Extended Validation Certificate

The strictest SSL certificate requires extensive validation by a Certificate Authority (CA), confirming company ownership, organisation details, location, and legal status. This process involves document verification and takes weeks. Consider our Midweb Validation Level SSL Certificate at just £30.00 + VAT for enhanced online security. We’re here to help even if you’re not part of the Midweb family.


Midweb specialises in resolving “Not Secure” alerts on your website. Our expertise lies in web security, encompassing SSL installation, encryption, vulnerability assessments, and audits. Let Midweb reinforce your website’s security for a safer online experience. Reach out to us to transform your website into a symbol of trust and security.


Read more posts by Evie

This article was posted 7 months ago and is filed under MidWeb News.

We design and build stunning, easy to manage websites that don’t cost the earth. A range of Search Engine Optimisation, and Digital marketing tools and services do the rest. Our business, is growing yours!

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We design and build stunning, easy to manage websites that don’t cost the earth. A range of Search Engine Optimisation, and Digital marketing tools and services do the rest. Our business, is growing yours!

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